Events & Appearances
Reiki I and II Training
In this course, you will learn about Reiki, a universal energy that has been used successfully all over the world to heal emotional, physical and energetic imbalances.
Reiki ART and Master Training
In this course, you will step into a deeper level of Reiki healing. You will learn additional healing energy, symbols, techniques and knowledge that will add value to your innate healing abilities. You will also learn to attune and teach others.
Karuna Ki Reiki Master Training
If you are a Reiki Master who is looking to give yourself and your clients a deeper level of healing, this course is for you. Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. Karuna Ki provides a deeper level of healing on the emotional and spiritual levels and can also help one become more grounded. This is an extremely powerful form of Reiki. Learn how you can use compassionate action guided by wisdom in this beautiful system.
An Empath’s Guide to Empowerment
In this day and age, with the ever constant onslaught of negative energies and a bombardment of emotions, it is a challenge and a huge task for Empaths and Sensitives alike to stay grounded. Even when the empath is in his/her own surroundings, at home in a seemingly safe and tranquil place, the empathic sponges are still picking up struggle, pain and heartache from the outside world. Because of this, empaths can easily become consumed with depression, anxiety, isolation, lethargic tendencies/listlessness and apathy. Empaths can quickly and easily lose sight of why they are here, what part they play in the world and more often than not find it hard to know who they are as a person and what it feels like to live in just their own energy. To combat the constant feelings of overwhelm, empaths need to protect themselves any way they can. There are many ways we can protect ourselves and many tools out there such as crystals, creating a protective shield, balancing our chakras and other clearing techniques.
While these are all valid techniques, there is one that is paramount for the Empowerment of an Empath that few know of or discuss. That is PRESENCE. When you are fully present in your body- physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically, no one, no thing and no outside energy can get into you or your energy field or body without your explicit permission.
Click below to learn more about this online, self-study course.